Preaching His Gospel
Building His Church
Lecce | Italy
The Pietra Vivente Presbyterian Church is a founding congregation of the Presbyterian and Reformed Church in Italy.
We are an assembly of believers and their children united by one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. We are passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ and take the worship of God seriously, striving to live our secular lives and vocations coram Deo (before God) and for the glory of God.
We are happy to meet you, listen to you, and welcome you.
Our Beliefs
We are committed to the authority and supremacy of Scripture as summarized in the ecumenical creeds (Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds), the Five Solas of the Reformation, and the Westminster Confession and Catechisms.
Our Mission
To call sinners to repentance by communicating to them the changeless Christ,
to equip the "living stones" by preaching the whole gospel,
and to build up the body of Christ while worshiping the Triune God in Lecce.
Worship With Us!
Divine worship service: Sunday at 10:00 am | Bible study: Thursday at 6:00 pm
Lecce, via Lazio 21A
For further information write to us at info@chiesapietravivente.com
We look forward to worshiping with you!
Watch the current sermon series on the
First Epistle to Timothy of John on our YouTube Channel.
(Italian language only)
Watch the Old Testament sermon series on the
Book of Joshua on our YouTube Channel.
(Italian language only)
The Westminster Shorter Catechism
For the doctrinal purity and the unity of the church
Follow on our YouTube channel the current series of studies on the Catechism.
(Italian language only)
Follow the sermon series on the Gospel of John on our Facebook page.
(Italian language only)